Recognizing that Congress is likely to take up legislation considering a Low Carbon Fuels Standard (LCFS), the American Coalition for Ethanol today released the findings of a report on the opportunities and challenges of lifecycle analysis (LCA) and low-carbon models.
"Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Starch-Based Ethanol" was conducted by the firm Global Insight, John Kruse PhD, author.
LCA is the mechanism by which policies like California's LCFS and the '07 energy bill's Renewable Fuels Standard will assign a value to a fuel's carbon footprint. This study examined how LCA might impact biofuels' carbon footprint, particularly with respect to GHG emissions associated with "indirect land use change" (ILUC).
The report finds that today, with respect to indirect land use change, it is virtually impossible to accurately ascribe GHG impacts to biofuels. These new low-carbon models and policies are new, and it's important that lawmakers and regulators get them right - the first time. Read the entire study here.
Posted by BJ, 12/1/08